Easter: Sunday, April 4th, 2021
Easter Sunrise: Sunday, April 4th @ 6:30am via http://facebook.com/firstcongregationalej/ We will not be physically meeting for our Easter Sunrise Service this year, unfortunately. However, Rev. Mendes will again have a live sunrise service in some beautiful location on the church’s Facebook page where we will all experience a Vermont sunrise as we celebrate the miracle of Christ’s resurrection. This will be a special ecumenical event for Rev. Mark Mendes will be welcoming Rev. Karen Mendes and the First Baptist Church of Burlington to this sacred event. Rev. Karen Mendes will save Rev. Mark and our entire community by bringing her angelic voice to the occasion. Together, they will worship Jesus, commemorate his resurrection, and proclaim the continuing presence of Jesus within our world and our midst. You will not want to miss this once in a lifetime occasion. They will begin their live stream at 6:30 a.m. on April 4th.
Easter Celebration: Sunday, April 4th @ 10am via http://youtube.com/c/fccej. With Easter being such a high and grand occasion, the Staff and Executive Committee determined to pre-tape the service and play it at 10 a.m. on Easter morning. With so many churches planning streamed services at 10 a.m. on Easter morning, we did not want the most sacred of all services to suffer a technological crash. Both the Sanctuary Choir and Finally @ First are busy recording some magnificent music. The Staff and Deacons are all preparing their parts and Rev. Josh is ensuring that it is all expertly pieced together and ready to go. You will be able to reach the Easter Celebration by going to our webpage and clicking on the live service tab.
Note: The Bulletin for this service is linked below.