2025 Stewardship Drive
Status as of December 30th
Pledges Received
Stewardship Goal
Pledged So Far
% of Goal
Annual Giving & Pledges
Every year we ask our members to reflect on what they love about our church, what it offers, and what each of us might offer in return. To make a pledge of your time, talent and/or treasure for this year, please email finances@fccej.org to make your confidential pledge electronically. Pledge payments can be dropped in the offering plate, mailed to the church, or paid electronically via Bill Pay. Be sure to include “pledge” on the reference line. Please note: Due to the fees involved, we prefer that people do not use Pay Pal for regular pledge payments.
Donate Online via Bill Pay
Online giving via Bill Pay is a safe and easy way to support First Congregational Church! Your donation will support the many ministries of the church including music, youth programming, missions, adult enrichment opportunities such as Sermon Talkback and JOY, the Jamaica Mission Trip, Essex Eats Out, and more. Please contact your banking institution to set up Bill Pay. Simply add “First Congregational Church of Essex Junction” as a payee, and then you can schedule a one-time payment or recurring payments.
Special Offering
Donate Online via PayPal
PayPal offers a fast, safe and easy way to support First Congregational Church! If donating for a specific item like the Montana Service Trip, indicate that in the Notes in PayPal. Please be aware that online donations processed by PayPal will be reduced by 2.2% with an additional $0.30 per transaction fee. If you wish to increase your donation to cover the cost of this convenience fee, please feel free to do so.
PayPal donation permalink: paypal.me/fccej
Make a Gift of Stock
Making a gift of stock to the First Congregational Church of Essex Junction can be wonderful way to support the church and there may be tax advantages to doing so. Individuals may transfer shares electronically into the Church’s brokerage account, and then the Church’s financial advisor will sell the stock on our behalf. Please be sure to notify the Church Financial Secretary (finances@fccej.org)
Other Ways to Give:
Donate to the Heavenly Pantry Food Pantry
- Non-perishable food donations may be brought to the church. A current “wish list” of needed items may be found HERE or in the weekly Church bulletin.
- Financial contributions can be mailed to the Church (checks payable to FCCEJ) or made online via BillPay. Please indicate “Food Pantry” on your payment.
Donate to the Heavenly Cents Thrift Store
- In-season clothing items may be dropped at the store during its business hours. The Thrift Store is not currently accepting monetary donations.