First Congregational Church of Essex Junction, 1 Church Street, Essex Jct., VT 05452 | (802) 878-5745
Updates related to church functions and supported groups.
COVID-19 Update February 24, 2022
/in Church Life Updates & News /by Andrea SharpEveryone is pleased that the Coronavirus case count trend is decreasing each day, as anticipated by our medical and scientific community. That positive news has precipitated COVID policies and protocols to be relaxed which in turn effects how we as a church operate. Like everyone else, we are shifting away from an overly cautious approach and back to a more palatable stance. The following guidelines will help lead us as we look to the future with a bit of hope.
- Starting Sunday March 6th, we will go back to having our two regularly scheduled worship services @ 8:30 a.m. for our more traditional service and our 10:15 a.m. for our less traditional service. We are thrilled that both the Sanctuary Choir and Finally @ First will be participating in the services. This will be the First Sunday of Lent so it is a good Sunday to get back into the habit of coming to church. Naturally, for those of you who choose to stay home, we will still stream our 8:30 a.m. service and put it on our webpage @
- Meetings and Groups will be shifting back to a hybrid model where those folks who want to be in person can come and sit with their fellow committee members or friends. Those that want to participate in our church community via Zoom, will be able to remain engaged and active via the internet.
- Masks are still required during worship and our in-person gatherings.
- Some of the events that have been on hold will resume, like our Friday Morning Coffee Clatter at Martone’s every Friday morning at 8:00 a.m. or our Bridge Club on the 3rd Friday of every month from 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. in the Marvin Lounge. Our Essex Eats Out program that provides free meals to the community on the first Friday of every month will begin on March 4th and transition back into production by offering meals to folks who will remain seated and in their cars in our parking lot.
- Pastoral Visits will now be open to personal interactions so feel free to invite Rev. Mark or Rev. Josh over for any pastoral conversations or rituals.
- Starting March 6th, our Faith Formation Program will be in-person only and during the 10:15 a.m. service time. And our youth group will begin meeting in person and go back to the two group format: Junior Youth after church and High School Sunday afternoons.
WARNING FOR THE ANNUAL MEETING: Sunday, February 6th @11:15am
/in Agendas, Church Life Updates & News, Events /by Andrea SharpWARNING FOR THE ANNUAL MEETING
Sunday, February 6th, 2022 – 11:15 am
To the members of the First Congregational Church of Essex Junction,
The Annual Meeting of the First Congregational Church of Essex Junction will be in the Sanctuary and via Zoom (using this web link: https://us02web/ on Sunday, February 6, 2022 at 11:15 am to act upon the following business:
Article I: To hear and act upon the reports of the Church Officers, Committees and Recognized Groups of the Church.
Article II: To act and vote upon the proposed budget for 2022.
Article III: To elect all church officers and committees required by the by-laws of the Church and others as may be necessary.
Article IV: To give authorization to the Finance Committee to borrow money and sign notes pledging the credit of the Church, if needed, to meet the current expenses of the Church.
Article V: To transact any other business which may properly be brought before this Annual Meeting.
On behalf of the Church,
Christine Sinkewicz, Church Clerk
COVID-19 Update January 7, 2022
/in Church Life Updates & News /by Andrea SharpUpdated January 12, 2022
Again we find ourselves shifting our behaviors to react to the ongoing changes concerning the Coronavirus and the new omicron strain. Vermont just registered its highest single day case infection number and our hospital occupancy rate continues to rise with medical professionals sounding the alarm. Your staff and church leadership are moving the church to a more cautious stance for January and will re-evaluate the situation in February. The following steps are designed to both keep us safe and continue to offer us avenues in which we can remain connected.
- Church Committees / Groups are asked to conduct meetings via Zoom.
- Clergy/staff will refrain from in-person pastoral visits unless appropriate.
- Outside Groups will make their own decision whether they will continue to meet in our facilities; if so, they will be required to wear masks and conduct contact tracing.
- Our Outreach Groups [Thrift Store, Food Pantry, Essex Eats Out, etc] will determine whether to continue operating and if so what covid protocols they will take. For now, the Thrift Store has decided to close for January and the Heavenly Food Pantry will shift back to delivering food to people in the parking lot. Coincidentally, Essex Eats Out [our free meal once a month group] will start up again in February with take out only and deliver the meals to the parking lot.
We will continue to hold BOTH our hybrid [streamed and in-person] 8:30 a.m. worship service AND our 10:15 a.m. service. This will give people a choice and spread out the number of people at each service while providing the ever-important opportunity for human interaction, something sorely lacking in today’s isolating context.The Sanctuary Choir will take January off while Finally @ First will continue to offer us their inspiring music at the 10:15 a.m. service. We will continue to sing while masked at each service and require signing in for contract tracing.We continue with two services because everyone has been so respectful of our requirement of wearing masks and because Governor Scott has not limited indoor groups from meeting if they follow the above protocols. Thank you all.
- UPDATE 12-Jan: After the spike in cases, Rick Dooley and Finally @ First have decided to not provide their fantastic music during our in person service. With both the Sanctuary Choir AND Finally @ First not performing, we have determined to only have ONE SERVICE @ 10 a.m. Because we believe in the importance of providing a time for folks to love and support each other in community, we will continue to have our one service at 10 a.m. be live and in person. It will naturally be streamed for all to enjoy from the comfort of your homes starting at 10 am every Sunday morning.
- As always, these new protocols can change quickly depending on how the situation unfolds. Thank you all for being flexible, gracious and active in our church as she continues to adapt to the ever-morphing coronavirus.
Please seriously consider getting vaccinated or boostered if you have not already done so and pray for the health and safety of people suffering from the virus, our front-line workers in the medical field and elsewhere and our church as we seek to spread Christ’s love during this time of anxiety, uncertainty and fear. If any of you have needs that our faith community can help with, please do not hesitate to call the church office or one of our staff members [802 878-5745].
May God continue to bless us all, in Christ’s name, amen.
Rev. Mark
COVID-19 Update November 10, 2021
/in Church Life Updates & News /by Andrea SharpDear Friends: As we enter one of most sacred liturgical times of the year, I thought it important to continue to inform the congregation about our COVID Policies for the Church.
Sunday Worship and Activities
- Worship: We will continue to meet in person for both of our worship services and will also continue to stream our First Service @ 8:30 a.m. which you can access any time thereafter. Everyone is required to wear masks at both services AND to sign your name for the possibility of contact tracing. The Deacons will make a determination concerning the Christmas Eve Services at their special meeting on Sunday December 5th .
- Faith Formation: We have moved inside to Fellowship Hall with air purifiers running. Instead of eating snack in person, it is collected as you leave. All volunteers are vaccinated.
- Hospitality: For the time being, Hospitality will offer coffee after the worship services outside only and not at all in inclement weather.
Committees and Groups
- All groups, committees and volunteer activities are required to wear masks inside the building. Currently, most of our committees and groups are conducted in a hybrid fashion which means that if you feel comfortable to come in person, you are welcome to do so and if you are more cautious, then please stay home and connect electronically.
If You Contract COVID-19
- People who have attended a church function (service, meeting, or other gathering) and then test positive for Covid-19 should notify the Church staff immediately so that others who were in attendance can be notified. Names of those who test positive will not be made public.
Thank you all for working together to keep the people who use our facility safe. We are all sick and tired of many of these protocols but know caution will keep people safe and alive. If you have any questions, feel free to direct them to Rev. Mark at 802 922-1773.
COVID19 Update: Masks at Worship & Other Events
/in Church Life Updates & News /by adminAs you may have seen, the CDC is recommending everyone to wear facemasks in counties with substantial or high COVID transmission. Their recommendation comes after data shows that the Delta variant can be as transmissible from an infected vaccinated person as in an infected unvaccinated person. It needs to be noted that what is called breakthrough cases, when a vaccinated person becomes infected with COVID, are very rare. The data continues to show that the most effective way to stop the spread of COVID-19 and help those who are not yet eligible to be vaccinated is to wear a facemask. Rather than going to the CDC’s Data Tracker to know if Chittenden county, on any given day, is categorized to be in a state of substantial or high transmission, at this time and for the foreseeable future, we are strongly encouraging everyone—vaccinated and unvaccinated—to wear a facemask when attending worship or other events on the church property. The Heavenly Food Pantry continues to require all volunteers and clients to wear a facemask. As the Body of Christ, which we are all members of, as Paul wrote, “If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together” (1 Corinthians 12:26). See you at church!
COVID19 Update: June 22nd, 2021
/in Church Life Updates & News /by adminDear Friends:
We have had quite an unexpectedly arduous journey through these uncharted waters of pandemic. As in any journey, we have had to adjust and make changes enroute and continue to do so as we hopefully approach the end of this world-wide tragedy. As in any difficult journey we have learned quite a bit about our community: our values, our principles, and the level of support from our members. Ironically, our church has done quite well, exceeded expectations in every aspect of ministry: worship attendance, capital improvements, yearly pledges and special gifts, community outreach and member support. I find this truth to be pretty gospelish in nature: life in the midst of death, joy in the midst of difficulty, freedom in the midst of commitment and abundance in the midst of generosity.
Recently, our brave little state has reached the 80% vaccination rate and as promised, Gov. Phil Scott has lifted the mask requirement and many of the health safety protocols. Since this is America, some folks have celebrated and returned to normal while others remain cautious and continue to wear their masks and retain some of the protocols. Hospitals, schools, governments buildings and restaurants have also responded differently with some still requiring masks and others feeling finally free from the restraints. Likewise, churches have also exercised their freedom of choice by having the same diversity in the way they have begun to re-open their doors. Some are not worshipping until September, others require vaccination cards for entrance, others require masks, some are worshipping outside only, and some are letting both vaccinated and unvaccinated people in with or without masks. Americans, New Englanders, and Congregationalists like their freedom!
First Congregational Church of Essex Junction will again slowly ease some of our protocol requirements. Starting July 4th, both vaccinated and unvaccinated people are free to come to worship where we will still sit in every other pew but will sing, have congregational responses, listen to live music, and enjoy some fellowship time with coffee after church. We encourage children and adults who have not been vaccinated or with underlying health conditions or simply a bit more cautious to continue to wear their masks. This easing of protocols will be true for group and committee meetings as well.
However, due to the ever-changing nature of the coronavirus, if the situation in Vermont changes, then we will adapt this new policy to meet the threat and adhere to what the scientists and the Vermont Department of Health say. Thank you all for honoring the cautious way we have approached this situation in the hopes of keeping our members safe. And thank you for continuing to make First Church a great place to conduct ministry, connect with friends and reach out to make the world a better place.
Rev. Mark Mendes, Senior Pastor
on behalf of Church Council
Executive Committee COVID19 Update: Opening Up a Bit
/in Church Life Updates & News /by adminDear Friends:
The Executive Committee [EC] of Church Council met on May 6th to continue our discussion on how our church should adjust our many ministries to the unfolding of the coronavirus. Gov. Scott and the Vermont Department of Health continues its slow and steady course of returning to a more open culture in stages. With the increasing number of people in Vermont being vaccinated, the EC has determined to follow Gov. Scott’s lead and open our worship and facility up more and yet still maintain standard safety protocols. We will apply the following new rules of engagement on Sunday, May 16th.
For worship, that means…
- Going from 12 to 25 pews with open seating [every other pew].
- Ushers no longer taking people’s temperatures or asking safety questions.
- No longer requiring the use of sign-up genius to attend church…
- Just come and show up to get a seat: first come – first serve.
- We have not filled up yet so hope not to turn anyone away.
- If forced to turn folks away, the EC will discuss alternatives.
- Everyone will just simply sign in at the narthex for contact tracing].
- Wearing masks and keeping proper distancing will still be required.
- We will welcome instrumental music into worship [no wind instruments].
- Masked singers can perform in small numbers.
- Windows will remain open so bring something warm to wear.
- Fellowship Hour will be outside, weather permitting.
- Communion will be observed outside, weather permitting.
- Smaller weddings and funerals can take place w/ safety protocols.
- Our service will continue to be streamed for those who wish to stay at home.
For wider church life, that means…
- Committees can meet in person if they wear masks and practice safe distancing.
- Outside groups can begin to use our facility [masks / distancing].
- By May 16th, both our clergy will be vaccinated plus two…
- So, they will be glad to make pastoral visits: call 802 878 5745 to arrange.
The EC makes these changes to encourage our members to come back to church but continue to remain vigilant in following effective health protocols.As is always the case, if the outlook changes, we will respond to keep our members and friends safe.Because so many people have connected with our church via worship through our streamed services, we will continue to do so and work to maintain the highest quality on line service possible.
Thank you all for your patience and grace during this ever-changing covid time.Balancing cautious safety for our members with everyone’s desire to be together has been a challenging balancing act.Together may we continue to move forward as future opportunities for ministries present themselves.
We are grateful to be working for you as the Executive Committee.
Maureen Evans – Christine Sinkewicz – Alison Wermer
Cathy Shearer – Dan Petherbridge – Josh Simon
Mark Mendes
Church Life Updates: Worship Information and COVID Precautions
/in Church Life Updates & News /by Andrea SharpEffective April 11, 2021
Sunday worship at 10 am
Join us ONLINE via YouTube
Join us IN-PERSON (limited seating capacity & advance registration required)
To reserve a pew, use the SignUp Genius button or call the office at (802) 878-5745
Fellowship Time: A ZOOM link will be shared before/after each service. If you need technical assistance to use ZOOM, please see: ZOOM Instructions for Live Stream & Teleconferencing
For In-Person Worship, a few important notes:
- Ushers Needed (2 per service)! Ushers will check-in guests, do a brief health screening (take temperatures and ask a few basic questions), and guide people to pews. In-person worship is ONLY possible with the help of volunteers willing to usher. If you have been vaccinated and would like to serve as an usher – please contact the church office.
- Currently, we will be limited to filling 12 pews to ensure safe distancing within the sanctuary. Each pew can fit between 1-4 from a single household (or 5 with small children). Up to 2 fully vaccinated individuals from different households may coordinate to reserve a pew together.
- A brief health screening will be performed when you check-in. Everyone is expected to adhere to state COVID guidelines and restrictions. If you have any cold or flu-like symptoms, please stay home and join us when you are feeling better.
- Everyone will need to wear masks throughout the entire service and stay in their respective pews.
- At this time, we cannot sing aloud for hymns and anthems. Many parts of the service [Deacon’s Prayer, Anthems and Hymns, Scripture] will be pre-taped and shown up on the front wall of the sanctuary.
- For complete information about our health & safety precautions, please visit: Health and Safety Precautions
An Invitation to Hybrid Worship
/in Church Life Updates & News /by adminUpdated May 7th, 2021: Hybrid Worship Registration is no longer required.
Updated March 31st, 2021: Hybrid Worship Registration is Mandatory. Please, visit this link to signup.
Dear First Church Friends:
It is with great excitement that the Executive Committee shares with you their intent to move to a hybrid system of worship on April 11th, one where we continue streaming the service live AND welcome a limited number of folks into the sanctuary. Naturally, we will proceed with caution, and Church Council members have been invited to work through the kinks by being guinea pigs for a couple of weeks in March. But with increased vaccination and decreased infections, the Executive Committee thought it was time to finally welcome folks back into the church. However, the worship service will NOT be the same. Here are some things the hybrid service will demand……
- There will be no hymn singing, music, and taped anthems yes, but no singing.
- We will be limited to filling 12 pews with household units. Each pew can fit anywhere from a single person to a household of four folks in one of twelve pews. This means we could have anywhere from 12 to 48 people in the sanctuary for a worship service in addition to the team facilitating the service.
- Hybrid service with a limited number of people will begin April 11 th. Sign-ups will be through a Sign Up Genius on our webpage or by calling Doug in the church office at 802-878-5745. We hope to have this signup live on by Easter.
- We must have Ushers to screen and ensure everyone moves safely from the parking lot to the pews and back. WE WILL NEED 2 EACH WEEK to safely enable services. This is a vital task to ensure that we follow mandated safety protocols and well-conceived movement plans. If you have been vaccinated and would like to serve in this role as an usher – please call the church office as soon as possible to let our administrator, Doug Ovitt, know by emailing or call 1 (802) 878-5745.
- Everyone will still need to wear masks throughout the entire service and stay in their respective pews.
- Many parts of the service [Deacon’s Prayer, Anthems and Hymns, Scripture] will be pre-taped and shown up on the front wall of the sanctuary like we used to do for special occasions.
Despite these restrictions, we are excited to have people back in our beautiful new sanctuary, listening to our ministers preach or pray, and talking with folks after the service outside on the way to their cars. It is a first step as we move to a day when everyone is welcome to come to church and we continue live-streaming the service online.
Blessings and grace to you all as we continue to live into our new reality.
The Executive Committee
Maureen Evans
Cathy Shearer
Dan Petherbridge
Alison Wermer
Christine Sinkewicz
Josh Simon
Mark Mendes