Week 4 – Many Hands Make a Work of Art!
Last Sunday (February 18), lots of hands came together to create a piece of art that represents what “Our Home” and God means to each of us, and how we experience God’s love in this place. A large canvas was set up in Fellowship Hall and children and adults of all ages were encouraged to cut out a shape to add to a colorful collage. All were invited to create and add their work after both services, and the children had an opportunity to participate as part of their Faith Formation time during the second service. It was great to see everyone considering what they wanted to add, and the finished project is as diverse as we are. The collage includes our church, sunshine, flowers, butterflies, mountains, a rainbow, animals, musical notes, a paintbrush, and so much more. Even the tiniest hands were able to participate by helping glue shapes and letters into place. Please take a few minutes to look at our beautiful community artwork and ponder what God and our church means to you!
Upcoming Events:
- Campaign Ambassador Training – Saturday, April 7
- All-Church Campaign Kick-Off Celebration – Sunday, April 8 (after single 10:15 service)
For more information about the Campaign, visit our Capital Campaign page on our website at www.fccej.org and follow the church on Facebook!