Week 3 – First Group of Campaign Ambassadors Trained and Early Visits Begin!
On Saturday, February 10, 35 church member volunteers spent the morning learning more about the Capital Campaign and preparing to visit other members. These visits are vital because one of the most important goals for this Campaign is to help people feel even more connected to our church and one another.
One of the most meaningful parts of the training was a conversation about what the church and the Campaign mean to us. One Ambassador expressed that the facility improvements would allow us to expand our community outreach. Another noted the amount of time Church Council and the Trustees spend trying to solve building maintenance issues without the necessary funds—time that could be much better spent on our people, programs, and mission. Still another echoed the theme of the Campaign, saying it was Our Time to invest in the church, making sure it is here for future generations.
Eventually, everyone in the church will have an opportunity for a group or individual visit with a Campaign Ambassador. Again, these visits are not about asking for money; they are a time to share stories, get to know another church member a little better, and answer any questions about the Campaign before confidential pledges are made.
Don’t worry if you haven’t been contacted yet. It is going to take us some time to reach everyone, but we will! The Campaign is just beginning, and the majority of visits will be taking place after our next big milestone: an All-Church Campaign Kick-Off Celebration on Sunday, April 8 (after a single 10:15 service)! Put the date on your calendars for what is sure to be an exciting and fun event!
More Ambassadors will be needed to visit members in the second phase of the Campaign after the Kick-Off. If you are interested in volunteering, there is a second training session scheduled for Saturday, April 7. Also needed are volunteers for the Kick-Off Celebration on April 8 and the closing celebration in June. Please contact Co-Chairs Dave Johnson or Kaki McGeary if you would like to get involved or learn more.
As the initial visits get underway, the Ambassadors look forward to meeting with members and sharing more of those meaningful conversations. It is a powerful way to create connections with one another that will last long into the future, even as memories of the Campaign begin to fade.
Upcoming Events:
- Ambassador Training – Saturday, April 7
- All-Church Campaign Kick-Off Celebration – Sunday, April 8 (after single 10:15 service)
For more information about the Campaign, visit our Capital Campaign page on our website at www.fccej.org and follow the church on Facebook!