Week 2 – Campaign Visits, How to Pledge & More
Sanctuary Restoration Project update…
This week, we were thrilled to have historic architecture preservation and restoration specialist Sally Fishburn, from Danville, VT, visit our church to assess our beautiful historic windows and plaster walls in the sanctuary. Sally will put together a detailed cost estimate for the restoration work and get back to us in a few weeks. We are grateful to the Preservation Trust of Vermont for a grant to fund Sally’s consulting services. You can see more pictures from Sally’s visit on our Facebook page (scroll down to post on Feb. 5)!
What are the “Campaign Visits” About & How do I Make a Pledge?
One of the most important goals for this Campaign is to help people feel even more connected to our church and one another…after all, this is Our Home!
Everyone in the church will have an opportunity for a group or individual visit with one of our trained “Campaign Visitors,” people who have volunteered to meet with folks to talk about the Church, listen to stories about what it means to our members, and answer any questions about the Campaign before confidential pledges are made.
The visit can be in your home, your office, the church, a café…wherever is most comfortable for you. We want you to know that the home visit is NOT about asking for specific amounts of money – that is for you to decide and the details of your pledge are confidential. We believe you will enjoy getting to know someone better (or making a new friend), while you learn more about this important step we are taking together in the life of our Church.
Your Campaign visitor will bring a pledge card for you to fill out. At the end of your visit, you can place your confidential pledge in a sealed envelope and give it to your visitor, or if you need more time, you can return it to the church office. Your sealed envelope will only be opened by Campaign Treasurer. The Campaign Treasurer and FCCEJ’s Financial Secretary are the only ones who will know pledge/gift amounts.
When will I be contacted about a visit?
The first phase of Campaign, known as a “quiet phase,” involves reaching out to an initial group of church leaders. During this time, we will also be gearing up for an All-Church Campaign Kick-Off Celebration on Sunday, April 8th after a single 10:15 service. After the Kick-Off, we will reach out to the full congregation. We hope you will say YES to a visit when a volunteer contacts you!
Upcoming Events:
- Saturday, February 10 – 1st Visitor Training
- Saturday, April 7 – 2nd Visitor Training
- Sunday, April 8 – Campaign Kick-Off Celebration! (after single 10:15 service)
Questions? Want to get involved? Please contact Co-Chairs Kaki McGeary or Dave Johnson.
Thank you for your support, prayers and enthusiasm for the Our Home, Our Future, Our Time Campaign!