Celebrating 5 Years of Ministry at FCCEJ
There are several ways that we are celebrating Pastor Josh’s ministry and sending him off with our blessings.
- Cottage Meetings at members homes:
- @ the Shearers – Wednesday Jan 4th at 6:00 pm
- @ the Starkeys – Thursday Jan 5th at 6:00 pm
- @ the McGearys – Thursday Jan 12th at 7:00 pm
- Farewell Potluck Supper and Program
- Friday January 13th at 6:oo pm, in the Fellowship Hall
- Last Sunday Worship and Service of Departure
- Sunday January 15th at 8:30 and 10:15 am services
- The church is collecting money for a cash gift for Josh
- Donations can be made to the church via the weekly offering or bring to the church office
- Make sure to add a clear note for the purpose
- Josh’s last day with us is January 19th