Week 1 – And we’re off!
Our Home, Our Future, Our Time Campaign begins!
At the Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 28th, the congregation voted unanimously to approve an $822,000 Capital Campaign! The Our Home, Our Future, Our Time Campaign will raise funds for repairs, renovations and improvements that will maintain and preserve our historic buildings, increase accessibility and safety, and further efforts to expand ministry and outreach. Click here to read a copy of the press release announcing the Campaign.
So what happens next?
The Capital Campaign Steering Committee will get to work right away to get the Campaign off the ground. We will hold a training for volunteers who will be “visitors” or “campaign ambassadors” in mid-February, and those trained volunteers will begin reaching out to an initial group of church leaders about the Campaign. This first phase of the Campaign is known as a “quiet phase”.
During this time, we will also be gearing up for an All-Church Campaign Kick-Off Celebration that will be held on Sunday, April 8 after the second service. After the Kick-Off, we will reach out to the entire congregation and make sure everyone has an opportunity for a group or individual visit with one of our Campaign volunteers!
If you have any questions about the Campaign, or you are interested in helping with the kick-off celebration or serving as a visitor/campaign ambassador, please reach out to Campaign Co-chairs Kaki McGeary & Dave Johnson. There are many ways to get involved, and we would be happy to discuss how you might be able to lend a hand.
We will have many more details to share with you as the Campaign unfolds. In the meantime, we greatly appreciate your support, prayers and enthusiasm for the Our Home, Our Future, Our Time Campaign!